Change Log

All notable changes to the Julia extension will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • @profview and @profview_allocs now support the optional keyword arguments of Profile.print, such as recur = :flat (#3666).
  • The integrated REPL now respects a user-set active project (e.g. in additionalArgs and startup.jl) (#3670)

[1.104.0] - 2024-07-29


  • The integrated REPL now once again starts with the user defined environment (#3660)

[1.103.0] - 2024-07-27


  • Drop support for pre 1.6 Julia versions in the language server (#3610)
  • Open Package Directory in New Window now first searches packages in the JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR environment variable, and then in the standard dev path #3632. This allows user-defined dev folders.

[1.77.0] - 2024-04-24


  • Add Julia 1.11 support (#3583, #388)
  • LoadErrors are not unconditionally unwrapped when displayed (#3592)
  • Internals are now more reliably excluded from stacktraces (#3593)
  • Stacktraces printing now works on Julia 1.12 (#3595)


  • Items in the environment selector are now sorted more naturally and Pluto-internal environments are filtered out (#3594)

[1.76.0] - 2024-04-05


  • Deleting plots stops opening the plot pane if it's not visible (#3564)
  • Stopped infinite recursion when the global logger got incorrectly set to an instance of VSCodeLogger (#3572)
  • Changes to how Jupyter Notebook Metadata is accessed (#3569)
  • Fixed an issue with Symbolics.jl sometimes getting misanalyzed, which would end up crashing the language server (#383)
  • @kwdef mutable struct with const fields are now analyzed correctly (#384)
  • More operators are now correctly highlighted (#279)

[1.74.0] - 2024-03-07


  • The Always copy code option should now work properly on remote machines (3559)
  • Handle \r characters for improved rendering of progress bars and the like in Notebook Outputs (3561)

[1.73.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Fixed an edge case of where parsing in the presence of curlies and operators (#384)

[1.72.0] - 2024-02-16


  • Static inlay hints are now automatically disabled when runtime hints are displayed (#3539)
  • Stackoverflow in package_callbacks (#3546)
  • UndefVarError on starting Julia Test Server (#3541)
  • Even if loading a Julia vs-code component fails the Julia LOAD_PATH does not get poluted.


  • Static inlay hints are now disabled by default (#3539)

[1.70.0] - 2024-02-10


  • Added static inlay hints for variable definitions and function parameters (#3519, #1077)


  • Setting id for runtime inlay hints changed to julia.inlayHints.runtime.enabled (#3519)


  • Only update notebook metadata when it has actually changed (#3530)

[1.66.0] - 2024-01-09


  • Default of julia.persistentSession.closeStrategy changed to overridable (#3494)
  • Key combination for language-julia.clearAllInlineResultsInEditor changed from Alt+I Alt+C to Alt+J Alt+C to avoid clashes with the key combination for typing | (which is Alt+I on some keyboards) (#3509)


  • Code execution now works properly when connected to an external REPL (#3506)
  • Revert #3490 due to it causing unintended side effects (#3513)
  • Most new syntax in Julia 1.10 is now parsed correctly (#378)
  • String macros with module access and a suffix are now correctly handled (#379)
  • The transpose operator is now correctly parsed when applied to $ interpolated symbols (#380)
  • global (a,b,) with a trailing comma is now correctly parsed (#381)

[1.65.0] - 2023-12-14


  • Fixed a regression introduced in 1.62 that introduced an additional " into environments automatically opened (#3490)


  • The first workspace folder is now more consistently set as the active environment (#3490)
  • Removed the julia.persistentSession.warnOnKill setting in favour of julia.persistentSession.closeStrategy. It is now possible to always close the tmux session or always disconnect (#3490)

[1.64.0] - 2023-12-12


  • Properly substitute VS Code variables when no workspace folders are open (#3490)

[1.63.0] - 2023-12-12


  • Syntax highlighting for interpolated generators and comprehensions (#268)
  • Syntax highlighting for adjacent interpolated variables (#269)
  • Syntax highlighting for escaped characters in ref strings and var symbols (#270)

[1.62.0] - 2023-12-12


  • Support additional VS Code variables in the julia.environmentPath and julia.persistentSession.tmuxSessionName settings (#3477, #3489)


  • Table headers no longer show null if no column label existss (#3486)
  • Workspace directories with spaces in the path are now handled more correctly (#3489)
  • Persistent sessions now use the shell specified in inside of the tmux session as well (#3489)


  • The default keybinding for the Julia: Clear All Inline Results command changed from Ctrl+I Ctrl+C to Alt+I Alt+C to prevent a clash with the Copilot Chat extension (#3487)
  • The julia.persistentSession.shellExecutionArgument setting now accepts a space-separated list of arguments (#3489)

[1.61.0] - 2023-11-30


  • The integrated table viewer now shows column labels (#3479)
  • Support syntax highlight and cell execution for Documenter's @repl blocks (#3469)


  • Cthulhu inlay hints are now displayed even when the plot pane is disabled (#3472)

[1.60.0] - 2023-11-14


  • Relaxed VS Code version requirement to 1.78

[1.59.0] - 2023-11-13


  • Progress logging now works in detached persistent session (#3462)

[1.58.0] - 2023-11-13


  • Toggling progress display now works correctly (#3450)
  • |> is now interpreted by default so that breakpoints in piped functions work (#3459)


  • Plotting within a disconnected Julia session now does not throw an error and shows the 100 newest plots in the UI (#3460)

[1.57.0] - 2023-11-10


  • Support for Julia 1.10 and 1.11

[1.56.0] - 2023-10-23


  • Julia exe path is once again properly determined (#3447)

[1.55.0] - 2023-10-23


  • JULIA_VSCODE_INTERNAL is now set for all internal Julia processes (#3433)
  • VSCodeLogger can now optionally take a parent logger (#3428)


  • ans is now set correctly in Julia 1.10 and newer (#3440)
  • More correct auto completion logic for mismatched case (#1177)
  • "Expand function" action no longer removes whitespace and comments (#1196)
  • Diagnostics are now more reliably published for documents open when the editor starts (#1254)
  • TOML files are now longer parsed or linted with the Julia linter (#1251)
  • Fixed an issue with doc search (#1250)

[1.54.0] - 2023-09-28


  • Named @testitems and @testsets now show up in the outline (#1240, #1245)


  • The linter now understands Revise.includet (#373)
  • Print diagnostics when parsing a file fails (#377)
  • Improved displayed types for bindings in the outline view (#1245)


  • Fixed typo in destructuring assignment inference code (#376)
  • "Go to definition" now properly works for macros (#374)

[1.52.0] - 2023-09-18


  • Timing breakdowns for language server startup (#1243)


  • Significant improvements to symbol cache downloads (#263)
  • Added debug timer outputs for cache file downloads (#274)
  • Removed precompile output for LanguageServer.jl (#1222)
  • Files larger than 2MB are now disregarded during parsing and linting, which can drastically improve performance (#333)


  • Improved symbol cache generation to account for method overloads to functions defined in other packages (#272)
  • Potential fix for a symbol cache corruption issue (#266)
  • Function tooltips now list all methods applicable in the current context (#1241)
  • Reference detection now follows Julia's scoping rules more closely (#1104)
  • Type inference now correctly handles destructuring assignment (#371)
  • The check for unused function arguments now correctly handles @nospecialized keyword arguments (#372)
  • Method detection during symbol cache generation now correctly works on Julia 1.10 (#273)

[1.51.0] - 2023-08-29


  • Use the built-in diff viewer for failed @tests (#3378)


  • Various fixes for inline eval display logic (#3388)

[1.49.0] - 2023-08-25


  • The REPL now also uses the err global variable to contain the most recent exception (#3112).
  • Added support for the custom application/vnd.julia-vscode.inlayHints MIME type to display custom inlay hints (e.g. types inline with source code) in the editor (#3328)
  • Documenter code blocks can now be evaluated (#3007)
  • Raw notebook cells are now supported (#3206)


  • The julia.plots.path setting now supports absolute and non-existing paths (#3323)


  • Use full display stack for inline evaluation (#3134)
  • REPL evaluation now supports the REPL's module switching (#3367)
  • The profiler pane is now correctly initiatlized on newer VS Code versions (#3354)
  • The debugger pane now displays the correct icons for compiled and interpreted mode (#3277)
  • More robust formatting range detection (#1228)

[1.6.30] - 2022-08-08


  • Fix shell integration when using inline evaluation (#2992)

[1.6.29] - 2022-08-05


  • Inline results now support markdown-show methods (#2933)
  • The Julia REPL works with VS Code's shell integration feature (#2941)
  • It's now possible to add a special ALL_MODULES_EXCEPT_MAIN token to the list of compiled modules when debugging (#61)


  • The language server now uses incremental sync (#1105)


  • Assigned but not used linter annotations are now slightly more correct (#339)
  • Actually fixed that issue with copying Exprs while debugging (#60)
  • Fixed when clauses of some keybindings that caused incorrect matches when editorLangId != julia (#2971)

[1.6.25] - 2022-06-17


  • Inline results and inline profile traces are now themeable (#2897)
  • Inline evaluation now works in plain markdown files (#2920)


  • Restored a check (and notification) as to whether the Julia path is valid (#2923)
  • Erroneous .JuliaFormatter.tomls no longer cause the language server to crash (#1101)

[1.6.23] - 2022-05-24


  • Integrated the new allocation profiler (#2890)
  • The linter now warns when indexing into arrys with for i in 1:length(A) (#338)
  • Added a code action for adding a SPDX header to files (#1075)
  • Added a code action for organizing using/import statements (#1076)
  • Added a code action for converting string to raw strings and back (#1082)
  • Added a code action for adding a docstring template for function definitions (#1084)


  • Switched to LSP 3.17 (#2886)


  • Made the workspace even more robust. For real this time. (#2892)
  • Various parser fixes (#338)
  • Fixed an issue with multiple "missing reference" actions being applied at the same time (#1089)

[1.6.22] - 2022-05-04


  • Modules can now be hidden in the workspace (#2887)

[1.6.18] - 2022-05-04


  • The profile pane now has a button to save the current profile to a file (#2847)
  • Added a Julia: New Julia File command (#1509, #2877)
  • Cell evaluation now shows inline results for all top-level code blocks when the julia.execution.inlineResultsForCellEvaluation setting is enabled (#2866)
  • Added a code action to replace ==/!= with ===/!== for comarisons with nothing (#1048)
  • Added completions for string macros (#1046)
  • Added a code action for replacing unused assignments/arguments with an underscore (#1065, #1072)


  • The Julia version is now appended to the REPL title (#2857)
  • The extension is now only auto-activated when a Project.toml is in the workspace, not any arbitrary .jl file (#2850)
  • Plot navigator screenshots were removed due to performance issues (#2869)
  • Improved documentation search scoring algorithm (#1057)
  • Some code actions are now marked as preferred, which makes applying them easier (#1063)
  • Code action kinds are now set appropriately when applicable (#1062)
  • Improved auto completion presentation (#1052)
  • Snippet completions now have their kind set to snippet, as is appropriate (#1067)


  • Internal modules are now correctly loaded on all processes (#2845)
  • Big tables originating from notebooks are now correctly displayed (#2848)
  • Nested progress bars are more robust in the presence of multiple tasks (#2845)
  • The Language Server is now properly restatable again (#2859)
  • Notebook internals are now hidden in stacktraces (#2862)
  • Terminal link handler now properly works for Base-internal code (#2865)
  • ans assignment is now more robust, which fixes an issue when IJulia.jl is loaded (#2867)
  • Lines are now broken properly in the documentation browser (#2870)
  • args can now be specified in the Julia launch configuration (#2872)
  • const fields in mutable structs are now parsed correctly (#336)
  • Fixed a race condition when downloading symbol server cache files (#251)
  • Package resolution now works properly for 1.7-style Manifests (#252)
  • Placeholder paths replacement in symbol server cache files now works more robustly (#253)
  • Fixed an issue with deepcopying Exprs in the debugger (#58)
  • Code actions triggers are no longer off by one character (#1050)

[1.6.17] - 2022-04-06


  • Slightly better check for displaying objects in the workspace (#2833)

[1.6.16] - 2022-04-06


  • Fix a problem when trying to display missings in the workspace (#2831)
  • The x == nothing linter pass now also detects nothings on the LHD (#334)

[1.6.15] - 2022-04-03


  • Notebooks now start properly in empty VS Code workspaces (#2828)

[1.6.14] - 2022-04-01


  • More notebook startup diagnostics.

[1.6.13] - 2022-04-01


  • "Go to defintion" button for some workspace items (#2815)


  • @edit is now much more robust (#2823)
  • Fixed a formatting crash (#1045)

[1.6.11] - 2022-03-28


  • Fixed another bug in notebook error handling (#2803)
  • Persistent REPL is no more killed on window reload (#2807)
  • LOAD_PATH is now correctly set in notebooks (#2810)
  • Trying to display an empty profile trace now shows a warning instead of emitting a scary looking error (#2809)
  • Latex completions are now more robust (#1042)

[1.6.8] - 2022-03-23


  • Toolbar icon now works properly in Chromium based browsers (#2794)
  • juliaup integration is now more robust (#2796)
  • Inline diagnostics are now also displayed in the REPL (#2797)
  • Fix for dev'ed package with relative paths (#2798)
  • The language server now handles exit notifications correctly (#1039)

[1.6.5] - 2022-03-20


  • Inline error are now handled better during debugging (#56)
  • Fixed an issue with generator linting (#1037)
  • Fixed an issue with autocompletions containing multi-byte characters (#1035)
  • Fixed a LSP spec violation (#1038)

[1.6.4] - 2022-03-17


  • The default formatting style now does not surround kwargs = with whitespace (#1033)


  • Errors in notebooks are now handled more robustly (#2781, #2783)
  • Revise.revise is now called in the most recent world during inline evaluation (#2782)

[1.6.2] - 2022-03-11


  • The table viewer is now available even when TableTraits is loaded before we connect to the Julia session, e.g. because it's compiled into the sysimage (#2775)
  • Fixed an issue where breakpoints would not get removed from the backend in some circumstancs (#53)

[1.6.1] - 2022-03-10


  • "Always copy" option for "Connect to external REPL" command (#2759)


  • Flame graph viewer improvements (scroll up now moves to the parent node, better macOS compatiblity).
  • Julia REPL is now properly marked as transient on supported VS Code versions (#2764)


  • Julia-specific notebook toolbar icons now only show up for notebooks with Julia kernels (#2758)
  • Fixed version incompatibility in debugger (#52)
  • Fixed certain @doc parsing issues (#329, #330)
  • Only pass on valid options to JuliaFormatter (#1030)

[1.6.0] - 2022-02-22


  • New profile viewer with inline annotations (#2674)
  • "Execute Code Block in REPL" in editor context menu (#2667)
  • Support for --threads=auto setting (#2666)


  • Add config "julia.execution.saveOnEval" to allow auto saving before execution (#2727)
  • Add restart REPL command and always stop persistent session option(#2720)
  • The julia.NumThreads setting now allows for a value of auto if your Julia versions supports it (#2666)
  • Better enum rendering (#2620)
  • Improved various notebook functionality (#2742)
  • Added stop/restart buttons to REPL workspace (#2746)
  • The table viewer now shows the actual Julia type when hovering over the colum header (#2749)


  • Weave preview background now follow theme color (#2740)
  • Notebooks now respect the thread setting (#2747)
  • Fixed rendering of large stacktraces (especially with repeated frames) (#2746)
  • LoadErrors are now properly unwrapped in the REPL (#2754)
  • Inline errors are now properly shown even when the line ends with a ; (#2748)

[1.5.11] - 2022-01-17


  • Fixed a grammar issue when using VS Code 1.64.x (#2730)
  • Fixed inline result hovers for VS Code 1.64 and newer (#2716)
  • Fixed a Julia REPL crash when getting runtime completions for uninitialized fields (#2686)


  • Removed some superfluous plot pane related keybindings (#2704)

[1.5.10] - 2022-01-17


  • Fix plot pane location and focus issue, again (hopefully for real this time) (#2676)

[1.5.9] - 2022-01-05


  • Plot pane position is now stable and interactive plots now render properly if the plot pane wasn't opened previously (#2662)
  • Fixed various issues with finding the Julia binary (#2647, #2642, #2658)
  • Fixed a command registration issue if the Julia binary changes while the language server is starting (#2663)

[1.5.8] - 2021-12-21


  • juliaup integration now works properly (#2374)

[1.5.7] - 2021-12-14


  • Code execution in Julia markdown files should now work as intended (#2584)
  • Plot pane is now properly confined to its view column (#2611)
  • System image building now supports the new manifest format (#2617)
  • =/in normalization for iteration over ranges is now disabled by default (#1006)


  • Pixelated rendering mode is only active when zooming into an image now (#2602)

[1.5.6] - 2021-11-20


  • Cell delimiters for Julia files are now configurable and include #- by default (#2567)
  • Use pixelated rendering mode for images in the plot pane, in the same way VS Code renders images. (#2570)


  • Package tagging should now work again.

[1.5.5] - 2021-11-16


  • Runtime completions can now be properly disabled (#2551)
  • Code execution keybindings are now consistent for Weave files (#2551)
  • Introduced a helpful warning when @profview failed to collect any traces (#2551)
  • The REPL is now terminated when VS Code is closed, which should work around issues introduced by the terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions setting (#2551)
  • Fixed various issues with the integrated table viewer (#2551)
  • It's now once again possible to use the Run/Debug in New Process commands concurrently (#2551)

[1.5.4] - 2021-11-11


  • The plot pane now prefers png over svg plots for performance reasons (#2475)

[1.5.3] - 2021-11-11


  • Execute File now works properly for Weave files (#2540)
  • "s are now correctly escaped in the Julia command (#2546)


  • Improved messaging around LS startup failures (#2542)
  • Added a setting for the symbol cache server (#2547)
  • Improvements to SymbolServer cache and download responsiveness and performance (#243, #244)

[1.5.2] - 2021-11-06


  • Debugging or running a file in a new process now uses only one terminal (#2539)

[1.5.0] - 2021-11-05


  • InteractiveUtils is now properly loaded in notebooks (#2457)
  • Runtime diagnostics are now displayed in the REPL in some circumstances (#2536)
  • Progress ETA will no longer show NaN or Inf sometimes (#2536)
  • Notebook kernels now load the user's startup.jl (#2536)
  • JULIA_NUM_THREADS and JULIA_EDITOR are now correctly set for existing tmux sessions (#2534)
  • Inline results now behave properly with CRLF linendings and aren't as easily invalidated by unrelated changes (#2535)
  • The error message as now once again properly displayed in notebooks (#2509)
  • Fixed various parser issues (#313, #315)
  • Fixed an erroneous method call error annotation (#307)
  • Fixed a stack overflow in the linter (#308)
  • Fixed a method error in the auto-completion code (#983)
  • Functors are now correctly displayed in the outline (#990, #995)
  • Fixed an issue with runtime diagnostics crashing the language server (#996)
  • Various fixes related to inline evaluation (#2467)
  • Improved auto-indentation behaviour (#2459)


  • Improved table viewer UX; added filtering and sorting as well as asynchronous loading of big tables (#2415)
  • System image building now excludes development packages (e.g. added by dev) (#2488).
  • Extension views are now hidden until the extension is activated (#2530)
  • Reduced invalidation in CSTParser.jl, which might improve performance (#312)
  • Majorly improvements to symbol cache loading performance and responsiveness (#240, #241)
  • Language server initialization is now reported much more granularly (#994)
  • Improved tmux session handling: Julia: Stop REPL now shows a prompt for closing the tmux session; also added a Julia: Disconnect external REPL command (#2532)
  • Julia keybindings now work properly in Weave files (#2467)
  • Plot pane interaction now requires the user to hold Alt/Option to avoid conflicts in plot's own mouse event handling (#2450)
  • Changed default keybindings for inline/cell evaluation to more closely match the notebook experience (#2296)
  • Code formatting is now powered by the excellent JuliaFormatter.jl, which should be much more reliable and configurable than the previous formatter (#2335, #972)


  • Allow customising precompile statements and execution files for system image building based on a ./.vscode/JuliaSysimage.toml file inside the project root folder (#2488).
  • tmux session names can now include $[workspace] which will be replaced with the name of the current file's workspace when the REPL is first opened. (This allows for multiple persistent sessions across different VSCode windows). (#2504)
  • vscodedisplay now takes an additional title argument, which will be displayed in the tab title for tables (#2415)
  • @vscodedisplay will automatically put the input expression as the table viewer tab title (#2533)
  • Quickaction for removing unused function argument names (#981)
  • Some runtime-based auto-completions are provided (e.g. for field names and indexing) (#1507)

[1.4.3] - 2021-09-15


  • Cursor now changes to indicate that plots are zoomable/panable (#2445)
  • Notebook metadata is now properly saved. We've therefore enabled the pure-Julia notebook provider by default and removed the julia.notebookController setting (#2424)

[1.4.2] - 2021-09-10


  • Vega and VegaLite plots are now zoomable/panable (#2443)

[1.4.1] - 2021-09-10


  • SVG output is now properly rendered in all cases (2442)

[1.4.0] - 2021-09-08


  • Export Plot(save/copy) buttons to plot pane(#2267)
  • Interactive(zoomable/pannable) Plots #2273
  • Add executeInREPL to exported API (#2402)
  • Added a menu item for enabling/disabling the plot pane (#2346)
  • Added support for the custom application/vnd.julia-vscode.trace MIME type to display custom runtime diagnostics (e.g. JET.jl output) in the editor (#2329)


  • executablePath is now once again machine-overridable thanks to the introduction of trusted workspaces (#2379)


  • Julia paths are now properly deduplicated (#2428)
  • The extension is now activated when Julia specific toolbar items are shown (#2430)
  • The play button to run the current file now uses the editor content instead of the file content (#2431)
  • Indentation will behave correctly when end appears in a for loop definition, e.g. for i in nums[2:end] (#2459)

[1.3.34] - 2021-09-03


  • Improved error handling for finding the environment path (#2408)
  • Limit supported file schemes (#2410)
  • Inline evaluation of code blocks ending with a semicolon now don't produce any output (#2409)
  • Revert the workaround from 1.3.30 and require VSCode v1.60.0 (#2394)

[1.3.33] - 2021-08-26


  • Update vendored plotly to v2.3.1 (#2376)
  • Reintroduced getJuliaPath to exported API (#2399)


  • Images in the plot pane are now correctly down-sized to fit the plot pane again (#2362)

[1.3.32] - 2021-08-23


  • Fixed more argument handling issues when starting Julia processes (#2372)

[1.3.31] - 2021-08-23


  • Mention marketplace link in readme (#2368)


  • Resolved ambiguity in gridviewer code (#2382)
  • Improved argument handling when starting Julia processes (#2372)

[1.3.30] - 2021-08-15


  • Work around an upstream error related to stating the executable in VSCode tasks (#2371)

[1.3.29] - 2021-08-14


  • Correctness fix for finding the Julia executable (#2364)
  • Fix logic for "Open Settings" button in notifications (#2354)
  • Reduced bundle size (#2357)

[1.3.28] - 2021-08-06


  • Improved code for searching the Julia executable (#2341)
  • Add Revise.jl support for notebook evaluation (#2347)


  • Notebook execution now correctly uses the same softscope transforms as in Jupyter or the REPL (#2327)
  • Internal strict typing improvements (#2342)

[1.3.27] - 2021-07-29


  • Improved notebook kernel selection strategy (#2315)


  • Notebook restart logic (#2322)

[1.3.26] - 2021-07-27


  • Updated dependencies.

[1.3.23] - 2021-07-26


  • REPL prompt hiding logic for inline execution is now more correct (#2316)

[1.3.20] - 2021-07-25


  • Native notebook support is now hidden behind the notebookController setting because of upstream issues (#2307)
  • Better labels for notebook kernels (#2309)
  • Notebook cell output is now cleared during re-execution (#2306)

[1.3.20] - 2021-07-23


  • File path is now correctly set for notebooks (#2305)

[1.3.18] - 2021-07-22


  • display calls that go to alternative displays (like the plot pane) are now more responsive (#2301)
  • Download of SymbolServer cache files is now configurable (#2298)
  • Improved error message when LS fails to start (#2295)
  • Changed the default values of the completionmode and execution.resultType settings (#2297)


  • All logging messages now go to stderr, which fixes communication issues on some Julia 1.7 pre-release versions (#2302)

[1.3.17] - 2021-07-17


  • Updated dependencies and required VSCode version to v1.58.1

[1.3.15] - 2021-07-17


  • Improve Julia notbeook kernel name (#2275)

[1.3.14] - 2021-07-17


  • Support for preferred kernels (#2271)


  • Notebook kernels are now reused after a notebook was closed (#2257)
  • Improved notebook display logic (#2260)
  • Rely on os.homedir() instead of custom ENV logic (#2263)
  • Added broadcasting to the list of interpreted Base functions (#2290)

[1.3.13] - 2021-07-01


  • Moved to GitHub actions for CI and release pipelines.

[1.3.2] - 2021-06-30


  • Fixed REPL stacktraces file path links for Windows. Paths with tilda symbol now expand to the correct HOMEPATH. Paths with spaces are handled correctly (#2261)

[1.3.0] - 2021-06-29


  • Native notebook support (#2217 and others)


  • Environment variables are now resolved in the julia.environmentPath and julia.executablePath settings (#2153)


  • Julia 1.6 paths on Windows are now correct (#2251)
  • Fixed various packaging issues (#2229)

[1.2.5] - 2021-06-18


  • Compiled modules/mode/functions are now set properly in the out-of-process deubugger (#2226)
  • Improved plot navigator robustness (#2221)

[1.2.4] - 2021-06-09


  • Update various dependencies

[1.2.3] - 2021-06-07


  • Various debugging related issues (#39, #2190)
  • Plot assets are now correctly loaded (#2200)

[1.2.2] - 2021-06-01


  • Julia: Connect external REPL now gives feedback when connected (#2182)


  • Tilde-expansion now properly works in terminal links (#2185)
  • REPL hooks are now properly installed when connecting to already running processes (#2182)
  • tmux integration and connecting to an external process now properly work on Windows (#2182)

[1.2.1] - 2021-05-27


  • tmux integration now works (#2177)
  • Fixed a crash in the new multi-environment support (#945)
  • The plots pane and navigator now (mostly) keeps focus where it was before (#2172)

[1.2.0] - 2021-05-26


  • Non-debugging Julia sessions no longer pretend they are debug sessions (#2155)
  • Loading internal code now works better when multiple processes have been added in startup.jl (#2147)


  • Workspace panel now shows #properties for AbstractrArrays and AbstractDicts (#1927)
  • Clicking on a symbol now highlights only references to that symbol, instead of all symbols with the same name (#908)


  • Added a sidebar element to quickly switch between differen plots (#1932)
  • Added integration for persistent tmux sessions, especially useful together with the Remote Editing extension (#1893)
  • Ship CoverageTools.jl as part of the extension so that test runs with coverage always work (#1928)
  • Add option to delete .cov files after test runs (on by default) (#1928)
  • Add new completion modes for unexported variables (#1963, #892)
  • New option for showing results inline but echoing errors into the REPL (#2121)
  • New UI for setting compiled/interpreted methods for the debugger, which can allow for a significantly faster debugging experience (#1888, #31)
  • Auto-completion of un-exported symbols can now optionally insert the appropriate using statement (#892)

[1.1.39] - 2021-05-06


  • Inline stacktraces are now rendered properly on Julia 1.6 (#2091)
  • Weaving a document now respects the current env (#2130)
  • ARGS are now properly cleared of extension internals (#2090)
  • External Julia processes now respect the number of threads setting (#2141)
  • URIs in markdown hovers (e.g. in stacktraces) now properly link to the right line (#932)


  • Added support for the error stacks introduced in Julia 1.5 (#2142)
  • Improvements to the package tagging functionality (which is now also limited to Julia 1.6) (#2144)


  • The linter now understands the new import Foo as Bar syntax (#276)

[1.1.38] - 2021-03-29


  • Path for auto-detecting Julia 1.6 binaries on Windows are now correct (#2086)
  • Added auto-dection for 1.6.1 (#2076)
  • Setting JULIA_EDITOR should now be more robust (#2067)


  • Auto-completions now allow for a certain degree of fuzzyiness (#906)


  • The LS now support selection range requests (use Shift-Alt-Right/Shift-Alt-Left to expand/reduce the "smart selection" in VSCode) (#893)

[1.1.37] - 2021-03-17


  • Fixed a security vulnerability related to the Julia path setting (#2062)
  • We should not leave any more orphaned processes behind when VSCode is closed unexpectedly (#48)

[1.1.35] - 2021-03-12


  • The Julia grammar is now shipped by VSCode and therefore removed from this package (#1998)
  • Error handling for internal Julia code should now be more robust (#2015)

[1.1.34] - 2021-03-09


  • Work around a Base issue when displaying certain types in the REPL (#2010)
  • Fixed certain debugger commands not working properly (#2008)

[1.1.33] - 2021-03-06


  • Step Into Target now works properly for top-level frames (#34)


  • "Run Code" commands now conform to the VSCode guidelines (#1999)

[1.1.32] - 2021-03-03


  • Pipes for communication between the VSCode extension host and various Julia processes are now guaranteed to be unique (#1980)
  • REPL output form activating a new environment via the GUI now doesn't display a Julia prompt (#1981)
  • Better crash reporting when commands fail (#1985)

[1.1.29] - 2021-02-23


  • Fixed a typo that made the more robust REPL hooks not very robust at all (#1973)
  • Fixed a rare bug where showing variables while debugging might result in a crash (#32)

[1.1.28] - 2021-02-23


  • LaTeX-rendered equations are now properly hidden behind the search bar in the docs pane(#1970)
  • REPL hooks are now more robust (#1968)

[1.1.26] - 2021-02-20


  • Unparametrize the wrapper introduced in #1943 (#1957)


  • Debugger is no longer marked as experimental (#1965)
  • We now use the ast_transforms machinery introduced in Julia 1.5 when appicable (#1959)

[1.1.19 - 1.1.25] - 2021-02-17


  • Fixes to our Azure Pipelines infracstructure

[1.1.18] - 2021-02-15


  • Fixed a regression when displaying SVGs in the plot pane (#1939)
  • Fix an issue with displaying values with incorrect convert methods (#1943)


  • Explorer context menu entries are now only shown when a REPL is running (#1933)

[1.1.16] - 2021-02-09


  • Julia 1.6 binaries are now auto-detected (#1918)

[1.1.14] - 2021-02-03


  • Removed references to outdated Julia syntax that caused incorrect auto-indentation (#1910)
  • Stacktraces should now be properly truncated again (#1912)


  • Updated the vendored Plotly and fixed auto-resizing for Plotly and VegaLite plots (#1911)

[1.1.13] - 2021-02-03


  • Relative environment paths are now persisted properly (#1905)
  • User supplied environment paths are now checked for validity (#1907)

[1.1.12] - 2021-02-02


  • Corrected environment handling in certaing cases (#1903)


  • Live testing is disabled until it can be fixed (#1902)

[1.1.11] - 2021-01-31


  • Getting the module at the current cursor position now no longer waits until the LS is started (#1892)

[1.1.10] - 2021-01-28


  • Stop throwing an error instead of waiting for the LS being ready (#1889).
  • Fixed an issue with formatting if conditions (#124).

[1.1.9] - 2021-01-26


  • Displaying profiler results now works again (#1887).

[1.1.7] - 2021-01-26


  • pwd is now properly set for the live unit testing task (#1886).

[1.1.6] - 2021-01-25


  • The plot pane now properly scales images (#1882).


  • The LS now correctly handles the $/setTrace notification (#868).

[1.1.0] - 2021-01-23


  • The progress bar now shows an estimate of the remaining time (#1868).

[1.0.15] - 2021-01-23


  • Progress logging can now be disabled in the settings (#1867).
  • The Julia explorer sidebar element now contains a documentation browser (#1458).
  • Added a command for tagging new package versions (#1870).
  • Added a task for live unit testing (#1872).


  • The LS depot path is now located in the extension global storage instead of the extension's install directory, which allows the latter to be read-only (#1863).
  • Improve docstring formatting (#122).


  • Comments and whitespace in multi-line tuples are no longer removed when formatting a file (#121).

[1.0.14] - 2021-01-16


  • Removed the telemtry nag message (#1676).
  • Removed @ and ! from the list of non-word characters, so double clicking @foo! now selects the whole macro (#1861).


  • Improved the algorithm for finding the current code block (#860).
  • Fixed jmd parsing (#859).
  • THe linter now doesn't attribute every eval call to Core.eval (#237).

[1.0.13] - 2021-01-13


  • It is now possible to customize the look of inline results (#1846).
  • Support for the upcoming import Foo as Bar syntax (#220).


  • Switched to a new symbol store format (#1857).
  • Major rewrite for CSTParser (#190).
  • StaticLint.jl now supports Julia >= v1.6 (#227).
  • Added additional type inference for the linter (#234).


  • We now use the correct binary when setting the JULIA_EDITOR on MacOS for users of VSCode insiders (#1852).
  • Base.displayble is now correctly extended instead of creating a local version (#1856).
  • Conditions for line breakpoints now work again (#26).
  • Debugger now correctly unwraps UnionAlls when collecting global refs (#27).
  • The Linter now correctly handles Base.@kwdef (#233).

[1.0.12] - 2021-01-05


  • Commands for moving between code cells (#1828).


  • Backtraces are now properly truncated in the REPL (#1841).

[1.0.11] - 2020-12-15


  • Debugging or launching a file now works in workspaces with more than one directory (#1789).
  • Pressing ^C more than three times in one second now sends a SIGINT to the Julia process (on non-Windows OSs), which should make for more robust interrupts (#1775).


  • Inline evaluation now waits for the LS to start up instead of throwing an error (#1760).
  • julia.environmentPath needs a REPL restart, so added a note to that effect (#1778).
  • The language-julia.executeFile command can now be called with a string argument for easy integration with custom keybindings (#1779).
  • Commands that require finding Julia environment files now don't need a running REPL (#1757).
  • When using inline evaluation commands that move the cursor after evaluation, the cursor is now only moved if the user hasn't interacted with it (#1774).
  • Debugging in a new process now properly loads the user's startup.jl (#1806).
  • Update to JuliaInterpreter.jl 0.8 (#24).


  • There can only be one LS startup notification (#1798).
  • Plots are now properly displayed when the plot pane is disabled and only inline results are enabled (#1795).
  • Added some error handling when displaying error stacktraces inline (#1802).
  • The attached debugger now properly sets tls[:source_path] and doesn't crash the Julia REPL on errors (#1804).
  • Staktraces are now properly truncated for inline results (#1812).
  • Progress messages are now properly flushed, so that the progress monitoring is always be up-to-date (#1805).
  • Fixed an issue with parsing kwfuncs using where (#212).
  • Added missing nothing checks that could cause issues when linting files (#221, #223).

[1.0.10] - 2020-11-13


  • Support for Julia 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 default installation paths (#1755, #1759).
  • New up-to-date changelog (#1750).


  • Inline evaluation now adds the evaluated code to the REPL history if the julia.codeInREPL options is set (#1754).
  • The extension now watches the global Manifest as well as Manifests in the workspace for changes and prompts the LS to re-index accordingly (#1756).


  • Push internal Julia modules to the front of LOAD_PATH to prevent loading code from the workspace instead (#1747).
  • Fixed a typo in the tableviewer code (#1749).
  • Evaluation now uses unbuffered channels for communication, which might fix a rare off-by-one-result bug (#1762).

[1.0.9] - 2020-11-04


  • The workspace now shows errors encountered while rendering the tree view. Furthermore, it now only special cases Array and Dict instead of their Abstract... supertypes (#1709).
  • Inline evaluation and the REPL can now be interrupted with the Julia: Interrupt Execution comamnd (or its default keyboard binding <kbd>ctrl+c</kbd>) (#1690).
  • ProgressLogging.jl's progress bars are now displayed in the editor (1579).
  • The language server process is now started with the JULIA_LANGUAGESERVER environment variable set to 1 (#1707).
  • Added commands to re-start the LS or re-index the symbol cache (#1721).
  • @edit now works properly on code-server instances (#1737).
  • Added commands to cd to the current directory, Pkg.activate the current directory, or Pkg.activate the current files nearest project. These commands are also available in the file explorer (#1743).


  • Updated some JS dependencies.
  • The plot pane is now opened in a new column by default, but also remembers it's last position (#1554).
  • The julia.NumThreads setting is now machine-overrideable (#1714).
  • Updated the Julia grammar definition (#1720), which fixed various bugs.
  • julia.usePlotPane can now be changed without requiring the Julia process to be restarted. Additionally, the related display machinery is now much more robust (#1729).
  • The "play" button in the editor toolbar now runs the file in the integrated REPL process (#1728).
  • All inline results are now removed when the REPL process exits (#1738).


  • Stracktraces are now rendered properly (i.e. with linebreaks) once again (#1692).
  • The module indicator is now correctly initialized (instead of Main) (#1516).

[1.0.8] - 2020-10-16


  • Both inline evaluation and the REPL now follow the changed soft-scope rules for Julia 1.5 and newer (#1665).

[1.0.7] - 2020-10-05


  • Updated JS dependencies.
  • We now show an error message when both insiders and the regular extension are loaded.

[1.0.6] - 2020-09-29


  • Updated JS dependencies.

[1.0.5] - 2020-09-27


  • Default paths for Julia 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.

[1.0.4] - 2020-09-18


  • JULIA_PKG_SERVER is now an exposed setting.
  • Julia: Stop REPL command.


  • Toolbar icon now follows the style guide (outline instead of filled).


  • Run/Debug commands now work when invoked from the command palette.

[1.0.3] - 2020-09-06


  • ARGS now no longer contains extension internals.
  • Use correct default path for Julia 1.5.
  • Fixed a world age error when using the integrated table viewer.


  • Revise is now loaded without stealing the REPL backend for newer Julia versions.
  • #%% and # %% are now valid cell seperators.
  • Improved crash reporting.

[1.0.2] - 2020-09-01


  • Improved Azure build pipeline
  • Updated some JS dependencies

[1.0.1] - 2020-08-31


[1.0.0] - 2020-08-28

This is identical to the latest 0.17 release.


  • Global variable support in the debugger variable explorer
  • Debug and run buttons above Julia files
  • Support for step in targets in the debugger
  • Profile viewing support
  • Stackframe highlighting for inline evaluations
  • Configuration option to exclude folders from linting
  • Add an extension API


  • Inline display of evaluation results
  • Workspace view


  • Add an experimental debugger
  • Improve cell delimiter regex so that it won't recognize YAS-style section headers as cell separator anymore (#1256, #1259)


  • Make Language Server indexing async
  • New linting capabilities: call checks, static if blocks, unused free parameters, unhandled include statements, clashing module names, and pirates.
  • Enable Code Actions: explicit re-export, replace qualified names with using statements
  • Add support for Julia 1.4/5-DEV
  • Improved robustness, e.g. handling of unicode
  • Better presentation of documentation
  • Fully implement LSP 3.14
  • StaticLint: improved path handling (file tree), extended macro handling, handle local/global variables, general refactor with speed/robustness improvements


  • Update CHANGELOG


  • Support for Julia 1.3
  • Configuration options for the code formatter
  • Bug fixes


  • Add support for running a selection with Alt+Enter
  • Fix a bug in the LS when an environment path doesn't exist
  • Clean up labeling of commands


  • Various bug fixes


  • Various bug fixes


  • Add vscodedisplay() function for a grid view of tables
  • Add a command to delete all plots from the plot pane
  • Store Julia environment choice in settings
  • Auto detect Julia environments
  • Change how execute block sends code to the REPL
  • Preserve focus of REPL when plot pane is shown
  • Fix weave preview
  • Make tasks work with julia environments
  • Add a test task that outputs coverage information
  • Open docs after build task
  • Support vega 3, 4 and 5, and vega-lite 2 and 3
  • Allow paths starting with ~ for julia bin location
  • Fix JULIA_EDITOR integration on Mac
  • Add support for custom sysimages
  • Reworked syntax highlighting
  • Add support for code cell execution with Shift+Enter


  • Add option to permanently opt out of crash reporting
  • Fix bug related to Revise integration
  • Add option for passing command line arguments to julia REPL process
  • Rework communication between REPL and extension
  • Auto-detect julia 1.1.1 and 1.2.0


  • Fix julia 1.1 compat issue in SymbolServer
  • Update vega-lite to 3.0 and vega to 5.2


  • Fix another julia 1.1 compat issue


  • Fix julia 1.1 compat issue


  • Various bug fixes
  • Add option to enable/disable plot pane
  • Search for julia 1.0.4 and 1.1


  • Update CHANGELOG


  • Add julia 1.0 support, drop julia 0.6 support
  • Add support for interactive Plotly figures
  • Various bugfixes


  • Fix automatic julia detection on Mac


  • Fix some small bugs


  • Auto-detect julia installation
  • Telemetry support
  • Crash reporting
  • Fix weave support
  • Various bug fixes


  • Update changelog


  • Enable multi-root workspace support
  • Bug fixes


  • Add eval into module option to REPL
  • Add toggle lint command
  • Add toggle log command
  • Add execute file command
  • Add execute block command
  • Add support for region folding
  • Bug fixes


  • Use VS Code tasks for build, test and benchmark
  • Add reload modules command
  • Add rename command
  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes
  • Language server status bar icon
  • julia 0.6 syntax highlighting


  • Bug fixes


  • Use LanguageServer.jl
  • Format Document command
  • Actionable diagnostics
  • Support for .jmd files
  • Plot pane
  • Run package tests command
  • Lint package command


  • Scope Ctrl+Enter to julia files
  • Fix whitespace bug on Windows


  • Migrate to a language server protocol design
  • Add completion provider
  • Add definition provider
  • Add hover provider
  • Add signature provider
  • Add integrated julia terminal


  • julia 0.5 compatibility


  • Update README


  • Add linter support


  • Patch release to test upgrade procedure


  • Add latex completion


  • Add "Open Package Directory in New Window" command


  • Update project home URLs


  • Initial release